April 07, 2012

Happiness of Beling Alive And Healthy

Misfortunes that happen all the time to other people - accidents, explosions, plane crushes... so many of them... make me value life even more. And on 27th of March something has happened to me too. Now that I can speak about it without any nervous tremor I decided to write this entry.

I went to my office on a usual way, on a path along 5-storey block of flats. In spring, there is always impassable mud there (as there's no asphalted road). But spring was late that time, there was snowfall and cold on that day, so the path was still clean and there was no need to seek for another one. That path was shorter, and that was especially important because I was getting late for work. Moreover, cold storm wind was just knocking me off my feet. So I decided to just go quicker, firstly, to get into the warm room sooner, and secondly, not to be late.
I increased my pace, I almost ran.

At that very second I heard a heavy metallic crash behind my back. I turned around. In some 2 metres from me a big sheet of metal fell on the path. Strong wind tore off metallic roof of the balcony on the 5th floor.

For some seconds I was just standing looking at that metallic sheet. Big. Obviously heavy. With sharp edges. Just thanked God. Then ran to the office.

At first I didn't understand if I was frightened or not. But already at my table a nervous tremor came and I started praying in my mind again.

On some reason I decided to quicken my steps. I'm sure my guardian angel told me so. Otherwise who knows what would happen. Maybe I would remain alive but as an invalid.

Since that day I've been thinking from time to time how much I love this life, this world and my dears, and my beloved one. I look around, talk to people and sometimes there's a glimpse of a thought that one day all this may be over.

And just the fact of living makes me happy.

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