July 07, 2012

Switzerland, Oberhofen, Watercolour Painting

It’s architecture again. I don't really know why I’ve been so much fond of it lately.)) I’ve chosen a thoroughly structured photo in order not to use perspective and other complicated architectural and landsape stuff. Still I’ve totally killed walls and mountains. I even know how. Okay, I’ll improve my skill anyway. ^_^

The outcome is anime-like, I wanted something with pastel shades, but it came out almost as bright as the photo. But I’m satisfied.

The painting is a bit bigger than A5. I spent 4 hours on it.
I like making photos of the process. I should make them more often.))

Oberhofen, Switzerland_7072012оберхофен, Швейцария


  1. That is a great painting. I like that I could see it form into something that leaves an impresion on the veiwer. BEAUTIFUL.

  2. Thank you so much mr. Bloom. ^_^
    I feel happy being praised by a professional, I really do.
